Marketing: Advertising and Sales

Marketing: Advertising and Sales is the parent category for all marketing related activities of a business enterprise. That is, Marketing is a broad term that encompasses the advertising and selling of products and services to consumers.

The Ultimate Guide to Building a Successful Email List

If you are struggling to build an effective email list for your business, this Checklist: List building Made Easy, will help you. It’s the ultimate guide to building a successful email list and provides a step-by-step approach to building an audience that will engage with your content and drive results for your business. It is

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Discover How ChatGPT and Conversational AI Are Transforming Marketing Strategies in 2023

The Emergence of Conversational AI Applications Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been making considerable strides over the last few years. Among the most interesting developments in this field is the emergence of conversational AI applications, such as ChatGPT. Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ll have heard the terrific buzz around the introduction of ChatGPT

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How to Succeed in Online Business…

You Need Knowledge, an Appropriate System and To Do the Right Things Daily! You may have noticed that many business products are sold online on the premise of the “one big secret” being revealed to achieve success in online business, or making money online. However, this can be very misleading as there is no single

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The Stark Truth of Making Money Online: Lessons Learned from My Journey to Explore the New Economy of the Internet

Where Has the Time Gone? It is over 4 years since I started my Blog and have neglected it for most of this time. Where I ask has the time gone and what on earth have I been doing over this period? When I retired after 45  years in engineering and commerce, I felt a

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Meet The Wealthy Sage

MY ONLINE JOURNEY: At time of writing this article in August 2018, I was a 70-year-old retired mechanical engineer, otherwise known as “The Wealthy Sage” on social media, and proud father of two lovely daughters and grateful grandfather of four handsome young grandsons, aged between 2 years and 12 years.  Prior to retiring at the

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