Current Trends in Making Money Online
There’s a debate in the marketplace about whether there is still need for a traditional website in your affiliate marketing online business. This is due to the growth of Social Media, Sales Funnel and Single Page Done-For You Website strategies.
This debate is bound to continue. However, having looked at the question in some detail, I consider the answer comes down to choice, especially for those starting out in online business.
On the one hand, the tried and tested website approach is comparatively inexpensive and has definite traffic benefits. It also helps boost credibility in the marketplace and builds brand authority.
On the other hand, there are challenges posed by learning SEO techniques and it is difficult to sell to “cold” traffic. Patience is needed when setting up a business online using the traditional approach, as it takes time for your audience to grow, get to know, like and trust you.

The Benefits of Using Social Media to Build and Sell To Your Tribe of Followers
It is possible to reduce start-up times when using organic traffic from social media to build a tribe of followers. “Warm” traffic can be generated much quicker when compared to blogging and many successful affiliate marketers are making sales within their tribes using this approach.
There is therefore a case in favour of the Social Media approach, in conjunction with Single Page Done-For-You Websites . This is especially true for start-ups, and new affiliate marketers, as they can “earn as they learn”.
I therefore believe aspiring entrepreneurs will defer building traditional website, lead generation, email marketing, and sales funnel systems. Instead, they will accumulate basic skills in sales and marketing on social media platforms. The good news is that they also have the potential to make money from affiliate commissions flowing from warm social media traffic to their Single Page Done-For-You Websites.
It’s also evident that business start-up times can be reduced using organic traffic from social media to build a tribe of followers. “Warm” traffic can be generated relatively quickly in comparison to a website and there are many successful marketers accomplishing sales within their tribes using this approach. There’s therefore a strong case in favour of using social media for start-ups. It’s particularly attractive for newcomers as they can “earn as they learn”.
Marketers are therefore adopting social media channels increasingly to obtain organic traffic to get started in online business in the knowledge that they may then progress later to website SEO and/or sales funnel methods, or use email marketing in conjunction with paid traffic, to scale their businesses.
The Future of Traditional Websites: Concluding Remarks
I believe that the trend to defer building traditional website lead capture, email marketing, and sales funnel systems will continue. Thus, aspiring entrepreneurs will accumulate their basic skills and knowledge in sales and marketing, while simultaneously generating earnings from affiliate commissions from the warm traffic available on Social Media. It’s a neat approach as it provides new entrants with the benefit of postponing payments for more sophisticated and traditional systems until later, if and when they are ready to scale their businesses.
Thus, established website businesses should be aware of the threat posed by Social Media in conjunction with Single Page Done For You Websites. Although in the long term, the attraction of the website, and the value it offers to communicate with customers, is unlikely to diminish. Also, the challenges posed by Social Media, in conjunction with other marketing strategies, will continue to be a threat. Webmasters should therefore be aware, and keep abreast of the disruptive effects of technological trends in their environment.
Even if you have an established website business, you should also know about these current developments. In the long term, however, the attraction of your website and the value it offers to communicate with your customer base is unlikely to diminish.
It therefore makes sense to keep abreast of the disruptive effects of Social Media, Sales Funnels and Single Page Done-for-You Website strategies, as the impact on your business operations could be severe if you do not keep pace with current developments and adapt as necessary.
Finally, I encourage readers to engage with the blog article and in case of questions, comments or suggestions, please raise them in the comments section below so I may respond to you.
All the very best,